Six Fall Favorites

As much as I LOVE Summer, I would have to say that my next favorite season is Fall.  Living in Michigan, we have short Summers and long Winters, but it is the Fall season that is absolutely beautiful.  Not only do we get to enjoy the changing colors of the leaves along the Lakeshore, but I have always felt that Fall has the best atmosphere.  So without further ado, here are my six favorite things that get me excited about the coming of Fall (in no particular order).

1. Leaves changing

'Terrific shot of the old bridge over Rock Creek on Beach Drive' photo (c) 2008, Dion Hinchcliffe - license:

One of my favorite things to do is take long walks and drives with my husband.  The best time to do this is during the Fall season.  Especially when Fall colors are at its peak.  Last year, we went camping near Charlevoix, Michigan.  While up there, we drove through what is called The Tunnel of Trees.  While we were there a little early, if you are ever near Harbor Springs, Michigan in the Fall, I would definitely recommend taking this 20-mile drive along Highway 119 - you won't be disappointed (we loved driving through it and the colors weren't even changing yet!).   Michigan also has many Fall Color Tours throughout the state - be sure to check them out at Michigan Fall Color Tours.  The changing colors of the leaves remind me what an amazing artist God truly is.

2. Pumpkins

via Beauty and the Beard

I know so many people relate pumpkins with Halloween, but I personally relate them to Fall.  Right now, we are starting to notice all the farms around us beginning to gather all of the gourds they have been growing - with pumpkins soon to be following!  You can do so many things with pumpkins other than just carving them.  There are so many cute ideas out there that deal with decorating with pumpkins, and there are so many more recipes that are delicious!  My favorite is baked pumpkin seeds.

3. Apples

'Apple Picking' photo (c) 2009, Amie  Fedora - license:

Last year, during the end of March, we had a week of abnormally warm temperatures.  Which was perfect for my husband and I because that was the week of our wedding.  Having a wedding in March, in Michigan, we were worried about the real possibility of an early Spring snowstorm.  With about 80% of our guests traveling from out-of-state, that would not have been good!  But with the temperatures in the 70-80s that week, that stressor was taken away, and we were even able to get wedding shots done on the beach!  But with that warm-up, and then the week later a big cool-down, almost all of the apple crops were destroyed.  And with that went away the chance of going apple picking.  And apple cider, and apple cider donuts, and apple butter, and apple pies, and the list could go on. 

Needless to say, I am SO excited that this year all of the apple crops around us are doing so good!  I've already pulled out a few favorite apple recipes, and am planning to go apple picking in the next couple of weeks.  I think my husband is most excited about apple cider donuts!

4. Football

'The 20 Yard Line' photo (c) 2008, Ed Schipul - license:

You can't talk about Fall without mentioning Football!  I grew up in the Chicago suburbs, so it goes without saying that my family are big Bears fans.  Which can sometimes be difficult living in the wonderful state of Michigan (those Lions fans sure are loyal)!  My husband also lived in the Chicago-land area for many years, so he's quite the Bears fan too, luckily :)  Last year was really the first year that I actually sat down and enjoyed watching Football though.  You know that thing called Fantasy Football?  Yeah, I totally got sucked in!  My younger brother got my parents, sisters, and my husband and I to start a league together - and this is our second year doing it.  It is so much fun, and a great thing to bring us all together - whether we are able to watch some of the games together or not.  If your family is into football, create a family league for a fun time!

5. Fall Fashion

via Fash for Fashion

Like I mentioned above, I LOVE Summer.  But towards the end of August, I truly start getting excited to be able to pull out all those sweaters of mine as well as my boots!  There is nothing I enjoy more (in terms of fashion) than being able to go outside in a warm sweater and my jeans and boots.  Fall fashions are some of my favorite to follow.  And those boot cuffs that are popping up everywhere - I love those.  Be sure to stop by my Etsy shop - hand-knitted boot cuffs will be making their appearance in the next couple of weeks!

6. Soups

via Julie Van Rosendaal at Babble

There is nothing better than a cup of warm soup on a cool Fall day.  During our first year of marriage, some of our favorite meals to make were soups (check some out here).  This year, we hope to find many more soups that can be made in the crockpot and cook all day long while my husband and I are both at work!  One of our favorite things to make along with our soups are bread bowls to serve the soup in (check it out here)!

There are so many things that are great about Fall, but these would definitely have to be my top 6!

What are your favorite things about Fall?

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  1. Last year I came cross the BEST tomato, basil, and Parmesan soup recipe! I shared it on my blog just last week and I really think you'd like it!

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    1. That sounds delicious! I will definitely be heading over to check that ou - thanks!

  2. Soup is one of my favorite things about fall. I prefer summer, as well, and often say I would love to live on an island, but when the weather turns cool (late fall here in the south)and the leaves start to turn colors, I'm all over fall! Thanks for sharing.

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    1. I would totally agree! I would love to live somewhere tropical, but would miss the changing of the seasons so much!

  3. I absolutely love autumn. I love being able to dress in cool winter gear (without having to cover it all up with a huge jacket!). I love the freshness without it being too is so energizing :-)

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    1. I love not having to cover up with a huge jacket too - and there is nothing like the freshness of the air!

  4. Awesome list of all my Fall favorites too. I love soup and watching the leaves change. We had tons of leaves around us so it's great to see how they change daily.

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    1. Thanks so much! I love all the leaves (except for ALL the raking that comes along with it!)!

  5. I agree with all of it but Football...I guess it comes from the fact that my grandpa was an avid football the point of yelling loudly at the TV (which kind of scared me) and not allowing anything else on the screen during football season (seriously we managed to watch like 3 and 4 games at a time on one screen sometimes) that has lead me to my over all hatred of the sport. I love going to sporting events...but games on TV just don't do it for me.

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    1. My grandpa was that way too! But that's what we loved about him. If we weren't there when a game was one, he would phone the house at every big play, yell YAY! and then hang up right away. That is one of my favorite memories of him :)

  6. Love you fall favorites! Fall is definitely my favorite season!
    Thanks for sharing at the Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop! Have a wonderful day!


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  7. You hit the nail on the head!!!! I love fall too. It is my favorite season for all the same reasons. I DO LOVE LOVE the picture of the pumpkin you posted. What a great non-Halloween way to decorate.

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    1. I absolutely love pumpkins, but am not the biggest fan of Halloween, so I love using them in different ways!

  8. I am a Mitten girl too! Totally adding you blog to my feed. I love my MI peeps. And, thanks for the reminder about the color tour ;)

    Did I miss it? Where abouts are you from? We are near the AA area!

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    1. Another Michigander!! And no, you haven't missed the tours yet - check out the website to see when the best time is to go. I'm near the Grand Rapids area - love that city!

  9. Ahhhh! Fall! How I miss thee... I agree with everything you said! Changing colors, apples, clothes. I'm looking forward to it! Great post!

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    1. It's starting to get that chill in the air, and I'm ready to pull out my boots and sweaters! Can't wait! Thank you so much!

  10. Fall is my favorite season as well. Now I am getting really in the mood to get out my fall wreath and hang it on my front door! I love the fall candle scents from Yankee candle- so excited to dig them out and light them. And you are right about the beautiful leaves- it is a great reminder of God's creation. Love it! Thanks for sharing!

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    1. I've already started burning some of my candles on these cool nights! I can't help but look at the changing of the seasons and seeing God's hand in it :)

  11. The fall season is quite social… there is a re-energizing that occurs after the lazy days of summer. School is back in session which means lots of orientation nights for parents, students and faculty. Businesses gear up for the holidays where all sorts of events are happening… meeting upon meeting, trade shows and conventions and of course, holidays parties.

    Rachel recently posted Are You Still Marketing?

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    1. I seem to find that Fall is a time where things finally start slowing down for my husband and I - we feel like we have not been home all Summer! Thanks for stopping by!

  12. You had me at soup. I could do without the football, but now without soup. I also love fall decorating and clothing. We don't really experience much fall living in the desert.

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    1. Making my first soup of the season this week and can't wait for it! I think I would miss the changing of the seasons if I lived in the desert :) Thanks for stopping by!

  13. Growing up in England, I used to love the leaves changing colour - as a kid, there is so much fun to be had jumping into the piles of crisp leaves! and the colours are just stunning. I live in the tropics now so we don't really get 4 seasons, I miss them in some ways, but the year-round warmth is compensation enough !

    Trả lờiXóa
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    1. I've always dreamed of living in the tropics! When I was in Aruba on my honeymoon, it was so hard going back to Winter in Michigan :) But I do have to admit, I would miss the changing of the seasons.

  14. Yes to all of that. We live in Texas now, so we don't get the changing leaves and can wear flip flops until December. I miss the leaves from my years in the mountains of western North Carolina! I love all the pumpkin flavored food. Can't wait! Now if the temps would just drop below 90...

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    1. I'm allergic to pumpkin - but can have baked pumpkin seeds - so I miss out on all the pumpkin spiced things and pumpkin pies. But give me something apple flavored, and I'm happy!

  15. I love apples especially sweet ones.

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    1. Yes! Hopefully I am going apple picking this weekend and will definitely be getting some sweet apples ;)

  16. I've often wished that we lived "up north" so that we could experience the changing of the leaves. Here it is summer almost all year long, and the heat is so taxing. But soup is something that I love and eat all the time. Wonderful post - thank you for sharing.

    Trả lờiXóa
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    1. I can't get through the Fall/Winter season without having soup at least once a week! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Oh Gosh, you mention all great things about Fall. I thought fall was scary. I really don't know how it looks like as I have never visited four seasoned country in fall. I live in a two seasoned country. I do really love all your photo choice about fall. Thank you very much for adding my perspective about fall.

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  18. The only thing I don't like about fall is losing my evening sun. I don't like to drive in the dark and if I have events, it's hard for me to see. But give me that soup. Any soup will do. I also love all the clothing.

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  19. I just LOVE finding new blogging friends with a passion and heart for God!!! So glad I had you in my "group", my new friend!!

    I want that outfit... I want it NOW! So cute! And all the things you shared are the same reasons I love fall. Just adding that Halloween Candy is on top of my list. :)

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  20. Love your look! I absolutely love Fall!! Great post!

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  21. Those really are the great things about fall and I am also a fan of all of them. Seeing the pumpkin and the pumpkin seeds reminded me of when my boys were small how they looked forward to me roasting pumpkin seeds for them. My boys are now grown with families of their own, but I still enjoy doing things like that for them and the grandchildren.

    Thanks for sharing and bringing back some wonderful memories for me!

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  22. I agree whole-heartedly! Beautiful photos & I love every single part of your picks :) My favorite thing about Fall is cozying up to the fire and watching the leaves fall.

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  23. It's my favourite season! Summer is a bit too hot and sticky for me. I love the colours of autumn and being able to snuggle up and light the fire. Great post.

    Linsey xx

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  24. What are these apple cider donuts you speak of?? Sounds really good. I, too, could deal without football and play the part of matyred football widow really well . Otherwise, your list got me seriously excited and I can already smell my cinnamon and clove essential oils filling the house with spiced-fall goodness.

    Trả lờiXóa
  25. Aw, your post makes me miss fall so much! I grew up in Minnesota and am now living in Arizona where I have been for 10 1/2 years. The one thing I miss more than anything else is the fall in MN. Especially up in northern Minnesota at the beginning of October when the leaves are just starting to change. It is my favorite time of year and cannot wait to move out of Arizona to a place where I can experience fall again!

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  26. That outfit is so cute! I have to say I don't look forward to fall much at all. I'm a summer girl, through and through. But I do love pulling out all my sweaters and boots again!

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  27. I love apples! :)I'd love a hot apple pie during this season!

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  28. Mmm I love pumpkin flavored EVERYTHING! Your post just got me very excited for fall!

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  29. I grew up in western NY, but live in Florida now. I really miss the fall colors - it's a beautiful time of year. Cider was one of my favorite things to look forward to and I love the variety of apples to choose from! I'm headed up there for a visit in a few weeks. Can't wait for the cool breezes!

    Trả lờiXóa
  30. Fall is my favorite season! I love the cool, damp air (except that I live in the desert now, so it's not really very damp...), long sleeves and boots, and changing leaves. Even the air smells cleaner in Fall :) Oh, and college football!

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  31. I love fall season! my top 6 fall favorites are cold/breezy weather, rain, leaves falling, soup, pumpkin pie and chapstick!

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  32. Fall is my favorite season, it ushers in the holidays and I love then flavors of fall. Living in Fla we don't get to enjoy the colors of the season but when I lived in Tenn. I couldn't wait for the leaves to change. Thank you for sharing.

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  33. I have to say I am a summer girl too, but something has come over me this year. I am actually somewhat looking forward (as much as I hate to admit it) to the cooler temperatures & the fall style. I have been getting into more comfortable styles & cozy sweaters & legging are sooo comfy. Maybe I'm just getting lazy, I don't know, but being cozy & comfy is where I want to be. I'm also looking forward to bonfires, fall décor, & the beautiful changing environment.

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  34. Pumpkin EVERYTHING, fall fashion, and the cool crisp weather!

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  35. Love, love, love Fall....the leaves changing, the cooler weather, the smell in the air, the fall husband and I always plan a leafing trip. This year we will be going to tour the bridges of Madison County.

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  36. What a great list of Fall Favorites! I have to say that I especially love the apples & football! I think of fall as also the best season to decorate for! While I go all out for Christmas, I think of that as a holiday. Fall as a season has so many decorating options.

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  37. I so LOVE fall, and am so sad that we are living in a country where there is nothing but perpetual summer!!! I love fall clothes, and soups, and college football!!!! Enjoy some fall for me too!

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  38. I love fall. I just took my boys up the mountain yesterday for a Sunday drive and the leaves are starting to change color. I love this time of year, its so beautiful.

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  39. I'm with you on every single one of these -- except the football! Bleh. So excited about this changing weather!

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  40. Love this post...and I LOVE fall! Even though I live in Southern California where Fall is basically Summer for another 60+ days...there are a few days where the wind is a little more crisp, the leaves do turn a different shade and Starbucks sells it's holiday flavors (Pumpkin Spice Latte & Gingerbread Latte...yum!!) I wish I could experience a true autumn where I could wear my scarves and boots on a daily basis!

    Thanks for sharing! :)

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  41. Just like Jen, I live in Southern California, and with the ridiculously hot weather lately it doesn't feel like Fall is coming. However, I agree that Fall is a great season. I have to try all the pumpkin products that come out-- bread, bagels, pie, soups, seeds-- love it all! We don't get much of the leaves changing thing here, but the little bits of Fall we do get I savor. Even though we have temperate weather, we really do miss out by essentially only having two seasons instead of four. When the weather finally does start to change here I will also be rocking my boots and eating lots of soups. Thanks for this great post... gets me in a nice warm and fuzzy mood.

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  42. Other than the football, I'm behind you 100%! I miss my boots, and I love watching the trees change. Halloween is on its way!

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  43. You had me at Fall colors! LOL. My wife loves Fall. We plan road trips around leaf colors changing. Our daughters call us Leafers. There may be a little truth there. All 6 items you mentioned are very accurate. Enjoy the season!

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  44. My favorite part of Fall is the clothing too! I love tights and booties and boots and scarves :) P.s. I'm from Michigan too!!

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  45. OMG, yes to all of these! We're in central NY and live smack dab in the middle of apple country. In fact, my grandparents had an orchard when I was a kid. I have such wonderful memories of apple picking. Plus, there's just something comforting about being able to throw on a sweater and a cute pair of boots after a summer full of flip I sit here sipping a hot cocoa! ;)

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  46. I like to go to Craft fairs, apple and pumpkin picking, and look for big cornstalks and different shaped gords! The bread bowl looks interesting to make, will def check that out.

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  47. I love fall fashion, layer, scarves, leggings, and especially boots. I also love pumpkin spice lattes and blankets on the couch on an overcast afternoon.

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    1. It was so overcast this weekend, and I enjoyed cuddling up on the couch with my blanket in some comfy clothes! Enjoyed it so much :) And I love everything about Fall fashion too!

  48. I don't mind fall, but I HATE winter. Since fall is a sign that winter is coming, I don't love fall so much either. Strangely, though, I love all the things you listed...especially the soups!

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    1. I'm not the biggest fan of Winter - with all the snow we get! But I always say, if it's going to snow, I'd rather get a lot than a little :) Thanks for stopping by!

  49. Pumpkin spiced lattes! Mmmm. I am a Husker fan, so football has lost its luster for the time being. Lol.

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  50. Love, love, love fall! We've had some cooler weather here in Kentucky, which isn't the norm for this time of year, and I didn't waste anytime opening the windows and breaking out my boots. :)

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