Growing Your Faith: Being In God's Word Daily

This year, one of the things that I am trying to be intentional about is growing in my Faith, growing in my relationship with Jesus Christ. Proverbs 31:30 describes the woman as one who fears the Lord. This is my desire for all of us. I'm going to reference another sermon by John Piper that I stumbled across that speaks on this very verse and what it means to fear the Lord:

"A woman who fears the Lord will not run away from God to satisfy her longings and relieve her anxieties. She will wait for the Lord. She will hope in God. She will stay close to the heart of God and trust in his promises. The prospect of departing in to the way of sin will be too fearful to pursue; and the benefits of abiding in the shadow of the Almighty too glorious to forsake." 

Oh how I strive to be this woman. To find my strength only in the Lord. This requires growth.

We've already covered what Faith is, so now, how can we grow in it? By being in God's Word daily. I think we need to be intentional, organized, prepared, as well as social to build a desire to do this daily.

Be Intentional

If you can, set a specific time each day that works for you. Getting in a 'routine' or 'habit' of diving into God's Word is the goal! I use those words loosely, because I don't want it to become a chore for you. It's a desire to be in His Word that I hope for you.

I, on the other hand, have a 7-month old who likes to interrupt any kind of schedule I might set! One day, she might give me a 2-hour nap, while other days she might not nap at all. It's hard to have a set time, trust me, I know! I try to have a general time - morning to early afternoon. I know that this is the goal for each day, so when I do have a free moment, diving into God's Word is priority. There is always later for household chores.

Be Organized

Let's be real. Chances are that if you don't have a designated spot in your house to be in God's Word, you probably aren't in it. If your Bible is in one room, study materials in another, and pens/highlighters hidden away in a drawer, it's hard to get motivated to dive into His Word because you first have to locate everything. Now imagine if you have everything you need in one place - it's so much easier isn't it?

Pick a spot in your home, whether it be on your nightstand or in your den, and set that as your study spot.

Be Prepared

Know what you are going to study before you sit down. There are so many ways you can dive into God's Word. One way is to do a word study where you choose a specific word and learn how it is used throughout the entire Bible. This can be a great way to see what the Bible says about a certain struggle you may be having. Another way is by purchasing a devotional or study to use as a tool to guide you as you study His Word - this is one of my favorite ways to go. If I don't have a plan and am not guided, I tend to get lost.

There are also some great online tools out there! Two of my favorites are She Reads Truth and Love God Greatly. For some, it can be hard to stay motivated if you are doing it alone. These websites allow you to be in a community of women studying God's Word together. They even have organized studies you can join in on. I love hearing how others are understanding the same passages - it can help looking at verses under a different light! And it's always great to have a place to go if you have questions.

{Love God Greatly has a new study starting next week: Made for Community.  Enrollment ends today 1/9/15!}

Be Social

Join a community of women. Get involved at your church. Join the women's bible studies that are organized. And if your church doesn't have one, or one that might work with your schedule, another local church just might! I'm part of a Life Group at my church with my husband and three other couples and all of our little ones. It's so important to connect with others while connecting with God - sharing in life together! It's so important to have someone or a group of people in your life to keep you accountable to studying God's Word and growing in your faith.

What are some of your favorite studies you have gone through as you have studied God's Word? Please share in the comments below!

Linking to Weekend Bloggy Reading @ Serenity Now, Pretty Pintastic Party @ The Wetherills Say I Do, Frugal Friday @ The Shabby NestLink Party Palooza @ I Heart Nap Time, Frugal Crafty Home Blog Hop @ Carrie This Home, Come Along Ponds Link Up @ The Adventures of Noble & Pond, Cook It! Craft It! Share It! @ Melissa's Cuisine

Nhận xét

  1. Great post (: I've been doing a read the Bible in a year plan by She Reads Truth. It's been very rewarding!

    Visiting from / referred from The Shabby Nest.

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    1. I need to check that plan out ~ it's never too late to start it! Thanks for stopping by!

  2. Yes, girl. I am loving your blog. I feel like we're soul sisters!

    I think it's also important to find what works for you. I started this year out with a specific read the Bible in a year plan, but found that it was becoming a real struggle for me to read daily. So I threw the plan out the window and just decided I would read as much as I felt I should read in the word each day, and I'm reading FAR MORE than I was before. I am so glad I realized I was turning it into a chore, because it has made a world of difference in my quiet time!

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